February 20, 2009 Looks like crafty iPhone app developers have come up with another handy use for the iPhone. The Las Vegas Review-Journal is reporting that California gaming authorities are warning their Nevada neighbors to be on the lookout for gamblers using blackjack card-counting programs such as Card Counter or A Blackjack Card Counter that run on either the iPhone or iPod Touch.
The California Bureau of Gambling Control was alerted to the programs by operators of a Northern California Indian casino who discovered customers using their iPhones to improve their chances of winning. While those with a head for figures can legally use their natural acuity in Nevada casinos (although you’re likely to be shown the door), it is a felony to use a device to aid in the counting of cards, so anyone using card counting programs can be detained by casino operators and arrested by state gaming agents. Making life difficult for casino security A Blackjack Card Counter, which uses four different card counting strategies, also has a “stealth mode” using vibration to signal the user that it would be a good time to place a large bet.
Anyone who would rather gamble with casino security instead of a blackjack dealer can download the card counting programs from the iTunes Store.
Darren Quick
Via ArsTechnica